TURN 10, The best is yet to come!

Has it really been 10 years? For me they have been just a sigh, little remains of that thirty-year-old who for love began in the real estate sector.

I have always liked the real estate world, I remember going for a walk on Sundays with my parents to Marques de Campos street and running to a window of a real estate agency that always proudly wore its models of its new construction promotions in Dénia, I spent hours looking at them, until my parents pulled my hand to continue with the walk.

That's why I thank Alex Martí for being my mentor and guide, as well as life partner, so and boss, what a boss I have touched! . . . Jokes aside, I am happy to have learned from a great professional like him, yes, always contributing to each visit, each call, each operation my "personal touch".

And here I am 10 years later at InmoXara, with the same enthusiasm, with the same desire, getting excited with each "I keep it".

I like to remember all those whom we have helped to change their lives, to enjoy their first or second residence, to sell that inheritance property, to change that apartment that had become small for a bigger house . . . Clients in their day and today many of them great friends to all thanks for being part of my real estate life.

And of one thing I am sure, the best is yet to come!!!

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